Le botas match the color of the truck!

Friday, May 14, 2010

What Really Grinds My Gears

Yeah Yeah Yeah!!!!
you are probably reading this post... especially the title and going "DJ PONY COME ON DO SOMETHING BETTER THAN THIS... BEEN THERE DONE THAT" and i understand. I know that family guy has included various episodes of Peter on the news with his special "what really grinds my gear". But come on, everyone has that little thing that pisses everyone else off. However ur friends might be little bitches and not tell you hahahah... so here it is.., not necessary towards any people BUT EVERYONE in society who pisses ME OFF... which if you ask the Korean (MY HOMESLICE) will agree, THATS EVERYONE :P...

SO starting off
1. GODDAMMIT, PEOPLE WHO WHERE SANDALS AND DRAG THEIR FUCKEN FEET WHEN THEY WALK... I ask you as a favor to Humanity... PICK YOUR DAMN FEET UP... sometimes i get flashbacks of when my ancestors, the Aztecs, roamed this earth and how the Spaniards burnt Cuauhtémoc's (AZTEC KING) feet as torture... WELL I WANT TO DO THE SAME SHIT TO YOU (YEA THAT YOU WHO DRAGS THEM FEET!!!!) :D muahaha!!! :D


  1. which if you ask the Korean (MY HOMESLICE) will agree, THATS EVERYONE :P...


    omgggg lolll ur ancestors the aztecs hahahahahaha freaking adolfo

  2. Pony,

    On behalf of Parliament, your fans, we hereby declare you continue to post on your happenings. It is common courtesy to grant the request of those under the oppressive tyranny of Le Pony. If you lack any manners then allow me to refer you to a blog with the name Etiquette where you will learn a thing or two about manners.
