Le botas match the color of the truck!

Friday, May 14, 2010

El Video of Tomorrow

Great song... :D brings great memories of spring 2010 :D

What Really Grinds My Gears

Yeah Yeah Yeah!!!!
you are probably reading this post... especially the title and going "DJ PONY COME ON DO SOMETHING BETTER THAN THIS... BEEN THERE DONE THAT" and i understand. I know that family guy has included various episodes of Peter on the news with his special "what really grinds my gear". But come on, everyone has that little thing that pisses everyone else off. However ur friends might be little bitches and not tell you hahahah... so here it is.., not necessary towards any people BUT EVERYONE in society who pisses ME OFF... which if you ask the Korean (MY HOMESLICE) will agree, THATS EVERYONE :P...

SO starting off
1. GODDAMMIT, PEOPLE WHO WHERE SANDALS AND DRAG THEIR FUCKEN FEET WHEN THEY WALK... I ask you as a favor to Humanity... PICK YOUR DAMN FEET UP... sometimes i get flashbacks of when my ancestors, the Aztecs, roamed this earth and how the Spaniards burnt Cuauhtémoc's (AZTEC KING) feet as torture... WELL I WANT TO DO THE SAME SHIT TO YOU (YEA THAT YOU WHO DRAGS THEM FEET!!!!) :D muahaha!!! :D

Monday, February 1, 2010

Partying with Dragon Lady (Gran Torino Status)

This story takes place from about 2am to possibly 430am. Time wise I cannot be certain for when the Little Korean is WASTED... she becomes very difficult to walk home (muahahha.... YEA YEA YEA KOREAN, ITS MY BLOG, MY STORY MY PERSPECTIVE AND SO THIS IS HOW IT WENT DOWN :)) muahaha...
Back to the story, it was a chilli Thursday night... Korean and I had just finished serving food at the well known and respected Country Club she and I work at.
Anywho... i had gotten mass texts of a DANK (your thinking to yourself, "since when does DJ Pony use such jargon" well let me tell you young grasshopper... about a sentence ago) party.
Back to the Dankness, the party was at the fraternity that I frequent, it would begin at 10.30 end at 2am and would have lots of "Liquid Courage", men, women, alcoholics, dancers, and midgets. :)
So while still at work, I look at the Korean and say "Hey Korean, wanna party tonight" and the Korean responds "YEE, lets get CRRAZZYY" and I is like "HELL TO THE SI"
after cleaning the stuff used for the event at the Country club... the Korean and I make our way to la FIESTA... As we make our way into the house.. i am surprised to see a "hella" number of people. There is, as i previously wrote, and i quote (yea imma quote myself and wat!) "Men, women, alcoholics, dancers and surprisingly there was a midget" .... (jk no little person, they scare me :( childhood trama ill write about it in another blog) anywho... as I am walking up to the second floor EL PRESIDENTE HIMSELF (at the time-actually i think he still is muahah) tells me i will be taking over the bar shift.. I nod and make my way to the barroom. There i begin to hand out drinks, the korean says shell be back, she wanted to check out the scene, Im like "aight"
10 minutes later she returns and is like "PONY MAN lets take Shots"... This is where the situation gets iffy... i recall telling le KOrean.... "naw man we shouldnt... its bad for your health, more so there is school the next day and we still have to walk home" however she was like "NAW MAN WE TAKING 3..." somehow she convinced me and by the time i realize its 2am in the morning I am in the WALKEN of the fraternity stealing eggs...(4 to be exact) i put them in my pocket of my jacket walk out to where LE korean is waiting for me and we both make to the door to walk home.
As we step out, the first think she says ( and take into consideration we probably walked like 5 feet donw the street) WE HAVE BEEN WALKING FOREVER! im like SHhhhh and we continue to walk down the street... by the time we reach College and Channing, she is for some reason pulling on my jacket and yelling "WEVE BEEN WALKING FOREVER!!!" and Im like "CHill I GOT EGGS IN MY POCKET" she gives me this confused (although i think its mostly a really really drunk look) so i put my hand in my jacket and pull out 2 eggs... she then goes "WHY!!!!!!!" and slaps my freakin hand... because I am also under the influence my reaction is slow so she hits my hand and i drop one EGG on the floor...splat... it laid in the middle of the sidewalk... sad i go "GOOD ONE!" and for the next 2 blocks she continues to ask "WAT R THE EGGS FOR, WHERE DID I GET THEM, and CALLS ME a WEIRD" and while doing so she is looking through her purse for something...
SHE THEN DISCOVERS SOMETHING HORRIBLE... DAMN kOREAN missplaced her celly... and begins to wine "AAAAAHHH we GOTTA GO BACk.. I NEED MY CELLY" WAH WAH WAH as we turn around all of a sudden there is this BIG guy... and i mean BIG dude trying to beat up a bum... BUT I MEAN BIG!!!! and the bum was small...
so being the good citizen that I am I dial 911 and I state my name location and situation... and make our way back down college...
Shes tripping about her celly and asks to borrow my blueberry... (YEA THATS RIGHT I HAVE A BLUEBERRY) so I do and she begins to dial her number. at this point I am maybe like 5 to 10 feet ahead of her, looking around making sure if i see the celly... when all of a sudden i hear a noise... kind of like a BLUEBERRY HITTING THE GROUND. I turn around and i see my blueberry (Screen lit and everything) hit the floor, bounce up, hit the floor again and bounce about 2 times more... I am like "YO!!! IS THAT MY PHONE YOU JUST DROPPED" and as shes running/chasing the phone and is bending over being careful not to fall flat on her face she looks up and says "NAWW!" WTF right ahhaha
I believe we reach haste and college and I see a cop car, it approaches me and I TRY TO ACT AS SOBER AS POSSIBLE... he rolls down his window and asks me if i have seen this BUM BIG GUY SITUATION THING... and im like sure over there and as i point in the direction he should be going... KOREAN LADY is diggin in her pocket... DRUNK... WOBBLING.. then all of sudden she drops her purse and EVERYTHING and I MEAN EVERYTHING FALLS OUT... I MEAN EVERYTHING (IF U KNOW THIS PERSON... uve seen that BIG ASS yellow bag... FULL OF EVERYTHING!) hahahah she gives it a confused look, and slowly, very slowly begins to bendover and pick up her stuff...right there on college and haste.. while I am talking to the LAW! and i think to myself "PONY... shit is about to go down" but no not really he says good night and leaves... anyways we continue to walk back to college and channing, yet right as we do all of sudden i see a something flash by a bush next to unit 2 and im like i think that ur celly and IT WAS...
anywho we walk back home... make it there safe ( DONT REALLY RECALL THE REST OF THE WALK ALL I KNOW IS SOMEWHERE DOWN THE ROAD I LOST ANOTHER EGG THANKS TO KOREAN LADY...) then when we got home Koo-lio says we tried making the 2 leftover eggs and we fried like 10 tortillas... but eh it was fun... one of the funnest nights i have had in berkeley... muahahha

Sunday, January 31, 2010

EL Fork

To start it off... back in the day WAY BACK WAAAYY BACk.. freshman year I remember my buddy and I, lets call him EL NEGRO had a couple of drinks at a well know and respected (at least in those days) fraternity... I, being the responsible one (muahaha) tell EL NEGRO that it is time to go home... (NOT GONNA LIE I was a little under the influence and this story might be a little different than others might remember BUT HEY ITS MY BLOG) :) WE get to our dwelling, which freshman year was GRIFFITHS SECOND FLOOR (WOOHH WOOHHTT WOOHTT!!) break into our good friends room, THIS WAS THE SPOT!.. the room belonged to Mr. Swayze and Koo-lio...
We bust into the room (dont remember who was in there) but I do remember a little KOREAN GIRL in Koo-lio's bed... Both Swayze and Koo-lio look at us and realize we might had had maybe 2 or 3 drinks... BUT Wait... too prop the door open (imma start calling them S and K because spelling the name is getting really annoying) S and K used a DC fork... all of a sudden I see EL NEGRO get a smile in his face (To which I realize he has an idea.. which consist of him steppin on the fork to try to make it fly) I... being the good person realize this but before I can try to stop it EL NEGRO.. BAM... Stomps on the floor, because he had 1 toooo many martinys misses and starts to laugh... I am relieved and dont say anything but then BAMM!!! EL NEGRO tries again and this time hits the fork right on the head and sends that SHIT FLYING... (THIS point ur thinking to youself... eh nothing happens, fork must have just jumped in the air flipped a couple of times and landed again... NAWW MAN UR WRONG!) FORK went as bay area people would say “HELLA/HECKA” crazy... shit went in the air hit the wall,, Swayze hit the floor Koo-lio busted some Liu Kang shit and dodged the fork... then the fork hit the bed and almost Popped out the little KOREAN GIRLs eye out... To our surprise it did not do such a thing BUT IT ALMOST DID... then the Korean girl opened her eyes said go away and went back to sleep... because EL NEGRO almost had killed her we listened to her and left :)
all I have to say is “GOOD TIMES” hahahahah

Maldito Licor

O alcohol.... MY best friend … my worst enemy... yea I know you are ALL shocked to discover that I, Mr. Pony, drink... :( pues, the answer is SI :(. unfortunately I have fallen trapped to this amazing, awesome, fascinating, incredible, marvelous, shocking, prodigious, stunning, wonderful and unbelievable little liquid that makes Men's confidence triple and women's “good looks” quadruple hahahha (JK all women are beautiful... alcohol helps find this beauty, once again JK)
anywho... if your asking yourself “why does thou drink... the answer is … Y not!!!” something always fun seems to happen when there is this liquid involved.... (most of the time its BAD stuff, but u cant get caught up on that stuff muahahaha)
So.. because I usually drink thursdays, fridays, and saturdays...(YEA YEA I KNOW DONT LOOK AT ME THAT WAY) ive decided to write about the fun stuff that happens lol

El Video of Tomorrow

Thursday, January 28, 2010

El Video of Tomorrow

Pitbull ft. Akon - Shut it Down