Le botas match the color of the truck!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Dreams of Fucking a Handicapped Bitch!!!! - Bizarre in Nasty Mind

Ever had a dream of fucking a handicapped bitch?!?!!? I can honestly say that I HAVE NOT!!! :)
However, I thought this would be an appropriate tittle for this post. Muahaha!
Recently, I, DJ Pony have been suffering from crazy ass dreams. (and i assure you its does not have to do with handicap individuals) hehehe
But anywho, like i previously stated, my dreams went from running around in an open field with puurrrtttyyy ass Ponies and unicorns with amazing backgrounds of rainbows and leprecons to really twisted, dark dreams centering around death, alcohol, drugs and women..."TAN TAN TAAANNN!!!!
Last night, as i laid down to bed I said to myself (usually do it every night) "See you in the morning gorgeous", then closed my eyes and as MR. HOMER himself stated in the Iliad, "darkness filled his eyes" and i slowly entered dreamland.
As far as i can remember, the dream began at around 11pm at a bar resembling Kips. You might be saying to yourself, "DAMN Pony, you dream about drinking at a bar"... and well the answer is YES :)
As i made my way into the bar, i looked around to see if i would recognize anybody in there. Guess what, I did, YOU where there and YOU where there and YOU where there... ( i wont mention any names cuz 1) if i do YOU might be like "WHY THE HELL IS DJ PONY DREAMING ABOUT ME" and 2) if I forget to mention YOU, YOU might be like "DJ PONY IS AN ASSHOLE, HOW COME HE DOESNT INCLUDE ME IN HIS DREAM" so yea O_0 hahaha)
ANYwho... i walked to the table which included about 20 people i knew, said "hola" and sat down next to this girl. She gave me a smile and said "Ponyman, you want a drank" and i say "fo shizzle". She pours me a pint of beer and I notice she has some small little red marks (like pimples) under her eyes. Im like eh watever she still puuuurrtty. However, as i continue drinking (and sometimes talking to her) i notice that those little red marks are getting bigger and bigger and BIGGER!!!! At this point... im thinking to myself "Pony, WAT THE FUCK IS THAT SHIT ON HER MASKARA"... weird part was nobody in the table seemed to notice... so I act normal and continue to drink. Yet, as the beers begin to add up, i look at her and all that SHIT in her face has taken over all of her face and its even stretching her skin all the way to the floor. I FEEL MY SOUL JUMP OUT OF MY BOTAS and i run out of the bar...
BAM!!!!!! The dream then takes me back to my apartment, in the shower. Still alittle weirded out of the bar thang, I tell my self "PONY, chillax its all good" but then i notice something. Im looking down at the tub and i notice its see through. AND THE CRAZY PART IS... theres a submarine under me and I can see a women telling me to move because "SHIT IS ABOUT TO GO DOWN"... at this point im like "WAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON" so i jump out of the tub
and all of a sudden the submarine pops up from underneath the tub destroying everything... I panic and run to my roommates room to see if he heard anything... (this point you are like "MR. Pony, was thou still naked... and to be honest kids I HAVE NO IDEA... I WILL SAY YES I MEAN WHY NOT ITS MY DREAM... RIGHT!!!) :)
Once inside my roommates room I don't see anybody, so i run back to the restroom and see my landlord EDUARDO fixing the tub, he turns around and says "DONT TRIP CHOCOLATE CHIP, I GOTZ THIS"
Then GUESS WAT HAPPEND... I WOKE UP because it was 730 and i needed to go to work :(
so yea SHIT was Crazy... :)

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